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Rules and Regulations



Sec 1.0     These regulations are provided for by Section 2 of Article V (Committees) of the By-Laws of The KIWANIS LAKE COMMUNITY Inc and have the effect and authority of the By-Laws when adopted by the BOARD of Directors.


Sec 1.0     The Treasurer shall furnish each member an identification means, such as a. card or tags, at the time of payment of dues. Such identification means shall be as prescribed by the Board of Directors.

.1.    Only one member shall use any one, or any one set, of identification means.

Sec 2.0     Guest are defined as any person, family, or group not eligible for membership under the provisions of Article III of the Constitution and Article I of the By-Laws.

2.1 Guest, as defined above, may use the identification means of their member-host whether or not accompanied by the member-host.

2.2    This Code of Regulations applies to guests in the same manner as it applies to their member-host.

Sec 3.0   The beach area shall be defined as the area between the road and the lake and is enclosed by the fence.

3.1 The swimming area shall be defined as the area from and including the sand beach directly north to and including the area surrounding the diving platform.

Sec 4.0 The hall is defined as the large wooden building located between the west side of the lake and the east side of View Drive.

4.1 The hall grounds are defined as the areas off the roads and surrounding the hall.

Sec 5.0 Vandalism, theft and wanton destruction of, to, from and/or upon the Community property shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and action initiated to obtain adequate restitution for such acts or for the results of such acts.


Sec 1.0 Admittance to the beach and swimming areas shall be only on the presentation of proper identification means as described in Article II, above.

1.1 The beach and swimming areas will be open for normal use from 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. daily.

1.2 All members and their guests are responsible for assisting in maintaining the cleanliness and neatness of the beach and swimming areas.

Sec 2.0 The beach and swimming areas are private areas, maintained and reserved exclusively for the use of members and their guests.

2.1 All swimming is done at the individual's own risk.

2.2 Washing with soap, or other use of soap, shall not be permitted in the beach and swimming areas.

Sec 3.0 Picnicking shall be restricted to the designated area.

3.1 Bottles and can shall not be taken into the beach and swimming areas.

3.2 Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the beach and swimming areas.

Sec 4.0 Horseplay and other actions that could endanger the safety of others shall not be permitted in the beach and swimming areas.

4.1 Beach balls and ball playing are prohibited in the beach and swimming areas when such items or actions will endanger the safety of of others.

Sec 5.0 Boats shall be prohibited from the beach and swimming areas.

Sec 6.0 Pets shall be prohibited from the beach and swimming areas.

6.1 Facilities are available for tethering pets outside the fenced area.



Sec 1.0 One or more beach attendants may be employed and shall have the following responsibilities.

1.1 Verify the identification of all persons using the beach and swimming areas.

1.2 Enforce the Lake Regulations as set forth in Article III, above.

1.3 Mow the grass in the beach area at least weekly.

1.4 Set an example of good behavior and decorum for all members and guests using the beach and swimming areas.

1.5 Perform such other duties as directed by the Lake Committee and/or as defined in the employment agreement.

Sec 2.0 The beach attendant shall be employed by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Lake Committee.

2.2 The employment agreement shall be a written instrument with one copy included in the records of the Corporation.

2.2 The employment agreement shall define the hours of duty, rate and terms of payment, and such other items determined to be necessary by the Board of Directors and shall be authenticated by the President of the Corporation.

Sec 3.0 The beach attendant shall be provided a current copy of this Code of Regulations and of the Constitution and By-Laws.

Sec 4. In the event it is necessary for the beach attendant to be absent during his/hers normal duty hours, he/she shall provide a replacement, at his expense, who has had the prior approval of the Lake Committee.

Sec 5.0 The Lake Committee shall have responsibility for the faithful performance of the beach attendant, subject to review by the Board of Directors.




Sec 1.0 The hall shall be available for the private use of members under the following conditions.

1.1 The member requesting the use of the hall shall be responsible for ensuring that the hall is clean and in at least the same condition at the end of his/her use as it was at the beginning of his/her use.

1.1.1 The provisions of Sec 1.1 above apply equally to any equipment installed in the hall and considered normal appurtenances to the use of the hall.

1.2 A member may request the use of the hall for affairs or organizations of which he/she is a member under theses same conditions.

1.3 Whenever possible, requests for use of the hall shall be made to the Hall Committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the desired date of such use.

1.4 Permission granted for the use of the hall shall not include use of the beach and swimming areas unless specifically stated in the permission agreement.

Sec 2.0 Permission for use of the hall by a member by be granted by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Hall Committee.

2.1 The permission agreement shall define the member (and organization, if applicable), the date of use and the fee and shall be authenticated by the President.

Sec 3.0 The fees for the use of the hall shall be as follows.

3.1 For a member for for his/her personal use one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per day.

3.2 for a member for the use of an organization of which he/she is a member Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) per day.

3.3 The above fees include a contingency charge of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) which may be refunded in all or part to the member when it has been ascertained by the Hall Committee that the provisions of the Code of Regulations have been complied with.

3.4 Payment of the full use fee shall be made at the time the permission agreement is approved by the Board of Directors.

Sec 4.0 Recognized organizations of member may be granted permission for use of the hall by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Hall Committee.

4.1 Use of the hall under the provisions of this section shall not require the payment of a fee nor a written permission agreement.

4.2 Use of the hall under the provisions of this section shall require compliance with all the provisions of this Article that are not in conflict with this section.

Sec 5.0 Members or organizations granted permission to use hall shale provided with a copy of the Code of Regulations.

Adopted by the Board of Directors at their regular monthly meeting on 9 February 1964.





Please Note: in upcoming meetings we plan on voting to amend some of these important documents.